What is the ENFP personality all about?

ENFP – “What does it mean? What does it mean?” Skeleton Jack would ask.

ENFPs are one of the 16 personality types described by the mother-daughter duo, Isabel Myers-Briggs and Katharine Cook Briggs. ENFPs represent between 5-10% of the population (but who’s counting?). The 4 letters summarize how they apprehend the world, using Extraverted iNtuition to gather information and introverted Feeling to make decisions. P means that they are a “Perceiving” type. Read below to learn more!

ENFPs' cognitive functions

How we perceive the world and how we make decisions
Extraverted Intuition

Extraverted Intuition

Exploring ideas

Finding meaning in what our senses perceive. Creating patterns. Seeing the world through poetical eyes... and randomness

Introverted Feeling

Introverted Feeling

Doing what is right

Choosing to do what feels right according to our inner values. Treating people the way we want to be treated

Extraverted Thinking

Extraverted Thinking

Being efficient

Navigating the logic. Finding the path that makes sense despite our own preferences. Seeing the other side

Introverted Sensing

Introverted Sensing

Observing the facts

Trusting our personal experiences. Remembering vivid details. Enjoying our own routine... That's when we've reached level 87 of personal development ✌️

ENFP blog posts & other MBTI articles

Explore the ENFP personality, other types and the MBTI theory... And some bonus random thoughts!